Study abroad in Barcelona, Spain: Most popular universities for Translation & Interpreting.
Are you thinking of studying Translation & Interpreting, abroad? Below you can find the most popular universities and programmes to study Translation & Interpreting in Barcelona, Spain. This list is based on visitors on the Studyportals websites, listing more than 150,000 English-taught Bachelor's and Master's programmes world-wide.
Autonomous University of Barcelona
Since its first years, the UAB strived to set the foundations for a university model based on the respect for the basic principles of autonomy, participation and social commitment.
UPF is a public, international and research-intensive university that, in just twenty-five years, has earned a place for itself among the best universities in Europe.
INSA Business, Marketing & Communication School is a private Business School with over 30 years experience in the training sector, which has Professionals Training Professionals.
Most popular Translation & Interpreting programmes for international students in Barcelona
These are the most popular programmes among international students who are looking for a Translation & Interpreting degree in Barcelona.
Traducción Audiovisual
Autonomous University of Barcelona
El máster en Traducción Audiovisual (Metav) del Departamento de Traducción, Interpretación y Estudios de Asia Oriental de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona tiene la voluntad de dar una formación completa a las personas que desean especializarse en este ámbito, con módulos que abarcan las diversas modalidades de traducción audiovisual y multimedia, tales como doblaje, subtitulación, subtitulación para sordos, audiodescripción, traducción multimedia y traducción de videojuegos, entre otros.
The aim of this Master in Translation Studies at Pompeu Fabra University is to train students who already hold a university degree to become specialists in Translation Studies, either in academic and research training, or towards excellence as qualified specialized translators with an optional component of interpreting skills.
Bachelor's degree in Translation and Interpreting, Pompeu Fabra University
Translation and interpreting are activities that are attracting growing attention. Globalization, the spread of new technologies, increased education have given rise to a heightened need for not only translation and interpreting services but also the development of language-related IT resources.
The goal of the Translation and Language Sciences programme is to train researchers in linguistics and translation so that they can make significant contributions to the discipline, and show creativity, independence of judgment and methodological thoroughness.
El máster Tradumàtica: Tecnologías de la Traducción nació, como tal, en 2001 con el objetivo de formar especialistas en tecnologías de la traducción. El proceso de traducción en la sociedad del conocimiento se desarrolla mediante el uso de la tecnología y de las herramientas de traducción.
Arts and Humanities - Translation and Interpreting
Autonomous University of Barcelona
The aim of the Bachelor's Degree in Translation and Interpreting is to provide training in the principal modes and areas of translation and interpreting, a profession that is present in many spheres and which requires multiple skills within different language combinations.
Traducción, Interpretación y Estudios Interculturales
Autonomous University of Barcelona
El objetivo del máster de Traducción, Interpretación y Estudios Interculturales es formar profesionales, académicos e investigadores que puedan insertarse directamente en el mercado laboral o en actividades de investigación en el campo de la Traducción y la Interpretación, la Mediación Lingüística y los Estudios Interculturales, así como las ciencias Sociales y Humanidades de Asia Oriental contemporánea.
El programa de doctorado en Traducción y Estudios Interculturales, del Departamento de Traducción y de Interpretación de la UAB, permite que los doctorandos se formen en diversas líneas de investigación asociadas a dos grandes áreas de conocimiento: Traducción e Interpretación y Estudios de Asia Oriental.
To apply at one of these universities, you may need a proof of English proficiency. There are several standardised English tests that you can take to proof your English level, such as the PTE (Pearson Test of English), TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language), CAE (Cambridge Advanced English) and IELTS (International English Language Testing System), offered by British Council and IDP. IELTS is the most popular of these tests, with British Council offering more than 1000 test locations and being accepted by more than 9,000 organisations world-wide.
Translation and Interpreting degrees train professionals to convert meaning from written texts and speech from one language to another. Professional translators work with written texts, such as legal documents, literature, technical manuals, or advertising material. Interpreters deal with verbal and real-time translation in international gatherings.