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British Council - Tallinn University Centre for International Examinations
Test dates are subject to availability. Please check real-time availability on the British Council Online Registration System.
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Test date | Type | Results by | Test fee | |
December 09, 2024 | Academic | December 22, 2024 | EUR 230 DETAILS | |
December 09, 2024 | General Training | December 22, 2024 | EUR 230 DETAILS | |
December 07, 2024 | General Training | December 20, 2024 | EUR 230 DETAILS | |
December 07, 2024 | Academic | December 20, 2024 | EUR 230 DETAILS | |
November 30, 2024 | Academic | December 13, 2024 | EUR 230 DETAILS |
British Council / Tallinn University Language Centre (UKVI test location)
Test dates are subject to availability. Please check real-time availability on the British Council Online Registration System.
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Other test centres in or nearby Estonia
There is one British Council test centre in Estonias capital Tallinn. According to our database, there are 8 universities in Estonia that accept the IELTS test. The average IELTS score requirement for organisations accepting IELTS in Estonia is 5.2.
Estonia is situated in northern Europe and neighbours Finland, Latvia and Russia. It is a country of striking natural beauty and stunning seaside locations that brings together historical and modern contrasts. Estonia, a 2004 European Union entrant, has a modern market-based economy and one of the highest per capita income levels in Central Europe and the Baltic region. Estonia belongs to the Schengen Area and has been a proud member of the euro area as of 2011. Estonia has been booming ever since adopting the euro as official currency. The economy grew 7.6% in 2011, five times the euro area average and is the only country with a budget surplus in the Eurozone. With these examples, Estonia has become a respected member of the European Union and a role model for other EU countries. As a prosperous and forward-thinking country, Estonia is known in Europe for its various e-solutions, flat-rate tax system, nationwide e-voting, tweeting President Mr. Ilves and its innovative and open approach towards new technologies. One of the best examples of how far Estonia's modern technology has come is Skype. It took four Estonian software developers to come up with a series of complex programmes to make the idea of free calls anywhere in the world translate to reality! The application, which is now owned by Microsoft, is still partially operated in the capital city of Tallinn. But it is not only savvy-tech attitude, low living costs and fast developing economy, which makes Estonia attractive for international students. Estonia is also a country of contrast with four different seasons that include white endless summer nights and most snowy winters. As over half of country is covered with forest and with more than 1000 picturesque island and lakes, Estonia makes you feel closely connected with nature and gives you endless possibilities to enjoy spending time in the clean open air. As a proof, WHO (World Health Organization) ranked in 2011 Estonia 1st in worldwide in air quality. While studying in Estonia you will be living in a modern European country with Nordic values and living standards. As a great bonus, you will find an eco-friendly attitude and breath-taking Nordic nature. Quality education Estonia boasts a long tradition of high-quality higher education, with first university established already in 1632, thus being one of the oldest universities in Northern Europe. Currently Estonian universities offer more than 150 recognized degree programmes in English on Bachelor, Master and PhD level with internationally recognized diplomas and scholarship possibilities. Shorter periods of study in Estonia are also available in semester or summer courses. Estonian universities have facilitated programmes and structural changes in accordance with the European-wide Bologna Process and the creation of a common European higher education area. In 2008, the Archimedes Foundation initiated the Study in Estonia campaign to promote Estonian higher education abroad with support from the European Social Fund. Study in Estonia has partnered with Estonian higher education institutions that provide international degree programmes, fully English-taught and accredited.
To study in English at one of the universities in Estonia, you may need a proof of English proficiency. There are several standardised English tests that you can take to proof your English level, such as the PTE (Pearson Test of English), TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language), CAE (Cambridge Advanced English) and IELTS (International English Language Testing System), offered by British Council and IDP. IELTS is the most popular of these tests, with British Council offering more than 500 test locations and being accepted by more than 9,000 organisations world-wide.
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7. Finland
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