Study abroad in Barcelona, Spain: Most popular universities for Geography.
Are you thinking of studying Geography, abroad? Below you can find the most popular universities and programmes to study Geography in Barcelona, Spain. This list is based on visitors on the Studyportals websites, listing more than 150,000 English-taught Bachelor's and Master's programmes world-wide.
Autonomous University of Barcelona
Since its first years, the UAB strived to set the foundations for a university model based on the respect for the basic principles of autonomy, participation and social commitment.
We believe that higher education must be more than just a process that ends with an official qualification. It has to help individuals, businesses, institutions and society at large to develop. We need to provide people with skills and knowledge so they can bring value to society. We've been reinventing the university since 1995, when the UOC was created as the world's first online university.
Most popular Geography programmes for international students in Barcelona
These are the most popular programmes among international students who are looking for a Geography degree in Barcelona.
Autonomous University of Barcelona
The main objective of the PhD in Geography is to train researchers in topics related to the most innovative fields in geography. The programme is especially designed to guarantee knowledge and critical analysis in a specific field of study and the associated methodology, enabling the PhD candidate to communicate the results of their research to the scientific, academic and professional communities
Los cursos de doctorado del Departamento de Geografía se inician el curso 1977-1978, pero como tal, el primer programa formal de doctorado en Geografía se inicial el curso 1986-1987. Inicialmente el programa se llamó doctorado en Geografía, pero durante el curso 1994-1995, el programa se dividió en dos opciones: Geografía Humana, que daba continuidad al programa tradicional, y la opción Demografía, a cargo del Centro de Estudios Demográficos (CED) de la UAB.
The master's degree aims to prepare highly qualified professionals capable of meeting the demanding needs of firms specialising in natural resource exploration and geological environment management.
The Tourism programme at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) is part of the REDINTUR cooperation framework, which is made up of 19 Universities with postgraduate studies in Tourism, which has been described in the National Plan for Tourism of the Ministry of Energy, Industry and Tourism, within the Talent and Entrepreneurship section as a strength, highlighting its operation and training programmes in tourism.
In the Geographic Indications course from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) we consider the socio, cultural and political implications of geographic indication. Geographic indication (GI) protects local products and provides interesting marketing strategies, but they also run the risk of restricting and limiting change
Social Sciences and Law - Geography, Environmental Management and Spatial Planning
Autonomous University of Barcelona
Today's societies face several different challenges, such as the transformations of land use, pressure on natural resources and environmental problems.
Enrolment open: last days! In the Geographic Indications course from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) we consider the socio, cultural and political implications of geographic indication. Geographic indication (GI) protects local products and provides interesting marketing strategies, but they also run the risk of restricting and limiting change
To apply at one of these universities, you may need a proof of English proficiency. There are several standardised English tests that you can take to proof your English level, such as the PTE (Pearson Test of English), TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language), CAE (Cambridge Advanced English) and IELTS (International English Language Testing System), offered by British Council and IDP. IELTS is the most popular of these tests, with British Council offering more than 1000 test locations and being accepted by more than 9,000 organisations world-wide.
Geography degrees teach students about places on Earth and the relations between humans and natural environments. During classes, students learn about the physical properties of Earth and its resources, as well as its inhabiting human societies. Geography graduates find jobs as cartographers, environmental consultants, town planners, school teachers, and more.