Study abroad in Antwerpen, Belgium: Most popular universities for Health Sciences.

Are you thinking of studying Health Sciences, abroad? Below you can find the most popular universities and programmes to study Health Sciences in Antwerpen, Belgium. This list is based on visitors on the Studyportals websites, listing more than 150,000 English-taught Bachelor's and Master's programmes world-wide.


University of Antwerp

The University of Antwerp wishes to provide excellent academic education at Bachelor, Master and PhD level to students from all social groups and of all generations.10th worldwide in the QS University Ranking Top 50 under 50 (2016) 11th worldwide in the Times Higher Education Ranking 150 under 50 (2016)
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Most popular Health Sciences programmes for international students in Antwerpen

These are the most popular programmes among international students who are looking for a Health Sciences degree in Antwerpen.


Infectious and Tropical Diseases (Research)

University of Antwerp

The Biomedical Sciences programme trains highly skilled scientists who are able to conduct research in a wide biomedical field and supervise such research in academic, clinical or industrial settings.
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Innovation in Social Design

University of Antwerp

Intensive 5-day programme focused on health care-context immersion, using practical / digital methods for thinking (research + inspiration) and doing (prototyping + testing). 
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University of Antwerp

Master-na-master in de huisartsgeneeskunde, University of Antwerp Om de academische graad van huisarts te verwerven moet de masteropleiding huisartsgeneeskunde worden gevolgd. De student die deze opleiding volgt wordt ‘Huisarts in opleiding’ (HAIO) genoemd
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University of Antwerp

In de masterjaren richten de multidisciplinaire modules zich op de diagnose en behandeling van de verschillende ziektes.
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Verzekeringsgeneeskunde en de medische expertise

University of Antwerp

De master in de verzekeringsgeneeskunde en de medische expertise biedt aan artsen een gespecialiseerde vorming in het domein van de evaluatie van menselijke schade en in de beoordeling van de geneeskundige prestaties in het kader van de sociale verzekering en de private verzekering tegen gezondheidsrisico’s.
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Erasmus Mundus Master of Leading International Vaccinology Education (LIVE)

University of Antwerp

LIVE is a two-year programme for talented and motivated students interested in multidisciplinary studies in Vaccinology. It is a joint project between five European universities. Academic internationalisation is enriched by a worldwide network of 13 academic universities from Brazil, China, Europe and USA. This programme receives the support of the Erasmus+Programme of the European Union.
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Biomedische Wetenschappen: Tropische Biomedische Wetenschappen

University of Antwerp

De studierichting biomedische wetenschappen vormt kwaliteitsvolle wetenschappers die in een breed biomedisch veld onderzoek kunnen uitvoeren en begeleiden in een academische, klinische of industriële context. Biomedische wetenschappen bestudeert de gezonde en zieke mens en relevante diermodellen. Met de nadruk op de mens onderscheidt biomedische wetenschappen zich duidelijk van de studierichtingen biologie, bio-ingenieur en diergeneeskunde.
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Specialistische geneeskunde

University of Antwerp

De master in de specialistische geneeskunde wil artsen-specialisten vormen die over de adequate kennis en vaardigheden beschikken om hoogwaardige patiëntenzorg te verlenen binnen hun specialisatiedomein. En dit op een economisch verantwoorde manier en rekeninghoudend met de sociale en ethische aspecten van de medische praktijk. De opleiding komt tegemoet aan de wettelijke bepalingen voor de erkenning van artsenspecialisten, die een minimum aantal uren (academische) opleiding in communicatie met patiënten en in evidence-based medicine opleggen aan de kandidaat-specialist.
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Study abroad in English

To apply at one of these universities, you may need a proof of English proficiency. There are several standardised English tests that you can take to proof your English level, such as the PTE (Pearson Test of English), TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language), CAE (Cambridge Advanced English) and IELTS (International English Language Testing System), offered by British Council and IDP. IELTS is the most popular of these tests, with British Council offering more than 1000 test locations and being accepted by more than 9,000 organisations world-wide.

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About Health Sciences

Health Sciences degrees prepare professionals who can apply medical knowledge to provide and improve patient healthcare, while also implementing preventive measures. Health Sciences degrees offered by international medical schools include a wide range of specialisations in Epidemiology, Anatomy, Physiology, Pharmacy, Dentistry, Nutrition, Clinical Medicine, and even Alternative Medicine.

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