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Institut National des Langues (UKVI test location)
Test dates are subject to availability. Please check real-time availability on the British Council Online Registration System.
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Test date | Type | Results by | Test fee |
British Council Luxembourg - INL (Institut National Des Langues)
Test dates are subject to availability. Please check real-time availability on the British Council Online Registration System.
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Test date | Type | Results by | Test fee | |
December 07, 2024 | General Training | December 20, 2024 | EUR 276 DETAILS | |
December 07, 2024 | Academic | December 20, 2024 | EUR 276 DETAILS | |
December 06, 2024 | Academic | December 19, 2024 | EUR 276 DETAILS | |
December 06, 2024 | General Training | December 19, 2024 | EUR 276 DETAILS | |
November 09, 2024 | General Training | November 22, 2024 | EUR 276 DETAILS |
Other test centres in or nearby Luxembourg
There is one British Council test centre in Luxembourgs capital Luxembourg. According to our database, there are 3 universities in Luxembourg that accept the IELTS test. The average IELTS score requirement for organisations accepting IELTS in Luxembourg is 6.8.
Although it is one of the tiniest countries in the world, Luxembourg offers a splendidly cosmopolitan environment and a home to plenty of top-ranked universities. Behold! A land fit for a king! Luxembourg was one of Europe's most fortified sites, and you can still admire the wondrous walls and castles to this day today. A place dominated by historic events and with an intriguing mix of Dutch, German and French cultures, Luxembourg offers international students an enriching study experience. Think of living within a giant museum, surrounded by different languages swimming in your ears on a daily basis. Luxembourg is also one of the safest nations in the world; and, due to its multiculturalism, any foreign student can easily adapt to the vibrant and lively atmosphere of Luxembourg. Luxembourg is a modern society that is both multilingual and multicultural. In recent years, over 6,000 students, from 100 different countries, decide to study abroad in Luxembourg. One of Luxembourg’s priorities is: “Education and Learning in Multilingual and Multicultural Contexts”. Courses are usually held in two languages: French/English, French/German, or English/German. Can you imagine such an environment? The country holds partnership agreements with universities worldwide. These agreements cover student exchange, researcher exchange and international cooperation.
If you’re attending a degree programme in Luxembourg, you will sometimes need to prove that your language skills are good enough to participate in the classes and understand the lectures; some course will require German, while others will require English.
There are over 100 English-taught programmes in Luxembourg.
To study in English at one of the universities in Luxembourg, you may need a proof of English proficiency. There are several standardised English tests that you can take to proof your English level, such as the PTE (Pearson Test of English), TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language), CAE (Cambridge Advanced English) and IELTS (International English Language Testing System), offered by British Council and IDP. IELTS is the most popular of these tests, with British Council offering more than 500 test locations and being accepted by more than 9,000 organisations world-wide.
10 most popular study destinations for students in Luxembourg
1. Netherlands
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2. United Kingdom
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3. Germany
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5. Switzerland
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6. France
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7. Luxembourg
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8. Spain
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Student insurance for students stuying in Luxembourg
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