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There are four higher education institutions in Liechtenstein providing undergraduate to postgraduate study programmes. Students benefit from innovative learning methods and a balanced staff-student ratio. Relevant content supports future career prospects in an attractive employment market. Teaching activities focus on knowledge that is industry relevant plus quality research and innovation work. People get to know each other on campus and students receive dedicated personal coaching and attention throughout the length of their studies. A pleasant campus atmosphere, social approach and unique location in the Alps enable efficient teaching and personal development.
To study in English at one of the universities in Liechtenstein, you may need a proof of English proficiency. There are several standardised English tests that you can take to proof your English level, such as the PTE (Pearson Test of English), TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language), CAE (Cambridge Advanced English) and IELTS (International English Language Testing System), offered by British Council and IDP. IELTS is the most popular of these tests, with British Council offering more than 500 test locations and being accepted by more than 9,000 organisations world-wide.
10 most popular study destinations for students in Liechtenstein
1. United Kingdom
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2. Switzerland
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3. Germany
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4. Netherlands
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5. United States
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6. Finland
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7. Italy
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Student insurance for students stuying in Liechtenstein
To make sure students in Liechtenstein have access to the best insurance out there, Studyportals found a reliable partner in Aon. You can easily get advise and insight in costs based on your personal needs.