British Council - DCU Dublin

Test dates are subject to availability. Please check real-time availability on the British Council Online Registration System.

More information

  Test date Type Results by Test fee
September 27, 2025 Academic October 10, 2025 EUR 205 DETAILS
September 27, 2025 General Training October 10, 2025 EUR 205 DETAILS
September 13, 2025 General Training September 26, 2025 EUR 205 DETAILS
September 13, 2025 Academic September 26, 2025 EUR 205 DETAILS
August 23, 2025 General Training September 05, 2025 EUR 205 DETAILS

IELTS Exam Dublin: Maximize Your Success at British Council - DCU Dublin

Looking for a quality IELTS exam center in Dublin, Ireland? Look no further than the British Council - DCU Dublin in Ireland. But why is it so important to choose a good test center when taking the IELTS exam?

For starters, a high-quality test center can provide you with the necessary materials and resources to help you prepare for the exam, increasing the perplexity of your preparation. Moreover, a good test center can give you a fair and accurate assessment of your skills and abilities, challenging you with bursty, complex questions that will prepare you for the real exam.

At the British Council - DCU Dublin, you'll also benefit from a comfortable and convenient environment in which to take the exam. No need to worry about distractions or discomfort – the center is designed to help you focus and perform at your best.

And if you need extra support or assistance along the way, our friendly and knowledgeable staff are always here to help. So why wait? Sign up for the IELTS exam at the Dublin center today and take the first step towards your academic and professional goals.

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