How to Prepare for the IELTS Writing Test?
Writing is one of the main skills that the IELTS Test assesses. In the writing section, you have 60 minutes to complete two writing tasks, with a minimum of 150 words for task 1 and 250 for task 2. We will provide you with some general tips and tricks to successfully manage this part of the IELTS Test. Practicing for the IELTS Writing Test? Here is a writing task to help you out with your IELTS preparation.

Task 1
- Read the questions and instructions carefully.
- Look at the diagram, chart, table or graph provided and ask yourself questions such as: what are the measurements in - %, millions, etc.? What is the time period - just past, past and present, or future? What tenses should you use to describe it?
- Write an introductory sentence in your own words describing what the diagram shows.
- Look at the diagram again and ask yourself: what is the most striking/noticeable/biggest event or change? What is the main message of the diagram?
- Write the main message as the second sentence in your introduction.
- Look at the diagram and choose the figures/numbers/information that support the main message. Mark these on the diagram so you don’t forget to include them.
- Write this information using the correct figures in your body paragraph, e.g. prices rose dramatically by 20%, from £10 in 2009 to £12 in 2013.
- Check whether you are using the information correctly, e.g. is the price in pounds or dollars? Are the numbers in millions or billions?
- Make sure you have written a minimum of 150 words, but don’t count them! You can always count the number of words in one line and then multiply by the number of lines to give you a rough idea.
- Read through your essay and check for your common mistakes in grammar or spelling.
Task 2
- Read the question carefully and ask yourself: what is the general topic? What is the actual question I have to answer?
- Think about all sides of the issue in the question and make brief notes.
- Organise and prioritise. Which ideas go together in a paragraph? Which ideas should be first, second, third, etc.
- Think of examples you can use to support your ideas.
- Introduction – write a sentence or two saying in your own words, as far as possible, the topic and the question itself. Add your opinion, if it is asked for.
- Body paragraphs – make sure the rest of the essay is about what you said in the introduction!
- Write clear paragraphs – leave a line space between them so it is clear to the reader.
- Conclusion – briefly repeat what you said in the introduction but try to use different words, e.g. if you used ‘advantages’ in the introduction, use ‘benefits’ in the conclusion.
- Link your ideas logically. Make life easier for the reader by ‘signposting’ where your ideas are going, e.g. if you want to say that there is a difference, use ‘whereas’ or ‘but’.
- Make sure you have written a minimum of 250 words.

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